What is the true show of power?
The question has to be asked- its not what you think. In any combat sport there is an ego struggle for the one training. There's no judgement here, what for? No one knows your journey and how far you have come, and really why do they need to?
Your quest is to find the lesson for your next step in your journey so that you can continue to grow and improve, building on your unique gifts and superpowers. No one can tell you the best way to do that - it is your responsibility as a magical part of the extended community to do your best find the answers from those around you and beyond, then commit to learning as much as you can in order to be the best that YOU CAN BE.
The environment that you choose to place yourself within is an extremely important element - you cannot reach the heights that you aspire to without being in the right environment or surrounded by the right community.
Power comes from understanding what it takes to reach a high standard of knowing in your disciplione of choice - and there is the aspect of the work that noone likes to embrace. Discipline and commitment - the seeds of power. You have to learn it, experiment with it and understand the impact it can have on others and yourself.
Choice - This is where it begins. A significant step in claiming you and your desires, and only you can do this for yourself authentically. Watch your language here - he made me do it, I had no choice, I had to.....We always have a choice. Maybe we choose the thing we don't really want to do because we don't like the consequences of choosing another way. It's OK- you know, there is never a wrong choice, just some that are better than others. You can always change your choice. No one has to know, it can be an internal flick of the switch, no announcement, no big actions, unless required - you can bide your time until you are ready. Choose something you must...otherwise what is your direction?
Commitment - works hand in hand with discipline. Commit to a project or a goal requires the development of the habits of discipline to consistently show up in order to see it through. Perhaps take a mental glimpse at the vision beyond your vision? Things suddenly become easier. Be open to other sources of practice that benefit your goal. For me, I have so many interests I need to find a way to mesh them, otherwise I feel like I'm missing out on life. Constant adjustment and flexibility are essential towards achieving your goals. Have fun - the goal doesn't need to be a heaviness hanging over your shoulder - it can be fluid and fun.
Environment - Without placing yourself in an environment that supports you and where you are heading, you will never achieve your goal. THIS IS HUGE. What do you choose here? What can you learn from this community? Surround yourself with a positive, like minded community that carries you when you stumble and celebrates your wins - with no attachment, judgement, jealously - just purely because they are happy for you. No ego.
Attitude - be who you truly were meant to be. The honor, respect and love has to begin with you. It's important to acknowledge when you need help or guidence and know that you can safely reach out to access the tools to help you build that muscle. Respect for yourself, your coaches, your training partners. What do those words mean for you and how would you like to be treated? Your beliefs will determine your attitude toward others, and in turn, how others treat you.
Discipline - when I hear this word I think of some disapproving figure standing over me with a stick and an ugly disapproving frown. Having been raised in an authoritarian environment, I am somewhat, well, more than that - antiauthoritarian.
We all have an innate intelligence that allows us to reason and choose what the next best action will be for us.
Don't deny this - It requires you to show up, honour the discipline of taking time to truly evaluate the best choice for you. Really the most harsh consequence for not committing to what you know to be right for you is diminished confidence and trust in yourself when you don't follow through on what you say you will do. Understand that no one else cares if you don't follow through - you give your power away when you don't claim it and take the actions required.
Service - What is service? I used to believe that this was about denying yourself and putting others first, before yourself. This is wrong - it doesn't work. What I have come to understand is that service to others and the collective can only be achieved successfully when you have taken care of yourself and committed to developing your unique gifts FIRST.
This is a vital step towards service within the extended community. Without understanding and developing the above principles in yourself how can you possibly serve? Your internal reserves will be sucked dry and you will have to rebuild yourself if you ignore it......in this way you betray yourself and will be dishonouring your unique gifts and skills. I'm excited to see the Power of You!!!
Power - A true show of power is not showing where you have been with full force (Remember, your body doesn't lie, your skills will be seen soon enough - you cannot hide.) this creates damage to others, and to you. I'm not just talking physically. It's much bigger than that - reputation, exclusion, emotional and mental damage. You don't know the experiences of others - why do you need to, unless they are willing to share?
For me, a true show of power is restraint, an open heart when you feel like closing off from others, honoring the person with the chance to speak their truth when you have heard things that are not great, Respecting your teachers, training partners and those around you, no matter what experience or knowledge you have collected previously. It is important to stand within the knowledge of who you are, then there is no place for fear or feelings of inadequacy. You will understand your power and when to use it effectively.
Look at the Muay Thai Masters - they have worked hard, sacrificed so many things and been through combat on a scale that many of you will never experience - they choose not to unleash their skill and power within any environment. Why? Because they understand the power of the work they have down and the damage they can create if they use their knowledge.
Restraint, respect for the knowledge and understanding of what is possible, discipline - then choosing not to use it unless absolutely required.
This is Power